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@ Boutique : CD de mantras Ingeborg / Emoto

@ Boutique : CD de mantras Ingeborg / Emoto

     CD de relaxation - méditation  



20 euros


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Frais de livraison :


Colissimo France (24 à 48 h depuis la date d'envoi) :

Commande Forfait frais de port

0 à 50 euros 8.00 €

51 à 100 euros 4.00 €

101 euros et + port gratuit


Colissimo Europe

Commande Forfait frais de port

0 à 100 euros 12.00 €

101 à 200 euros 6.00 €

201 euros et + port gratuit


About Beyond Religion

Ingeborg TM Sergeant has produced a beautiful project in cooperation with Dr. Emoto. BEYOND RELIGION is a CD with mantra’s and devotional songs inspired by 6 great world religions.

For every world religion, Ingeborg TM Sergeant has composed music with Patrick Hamilton and Robin Keyaert that brings the essence of unity together which surpasses all aspects of all religions.

Peace, love, luck, trust …

This music was tested for its healing value in the lab of Dr. Emoto Masaru.

With this music we want to honor and celebrate a spirituality that connects us with each other, the universe, the world and the environment, so we can experience that all is Divine.

These songs are devotional and inspired. Each mantra has a specific purpose to serve a higher ideal. If the intention serves this ideal and the universe, a profound and positive change can occur within the individual. The songs are most effective when sung, especially in a group. That’s why you can also find a singalong version for each song.

Dr. Emoto Masaru was born in Japan and graduated as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine from the Yokohama Municipal University and the Open International University. Dr. Emoto has been visually documenting molecular changes in water by means of his photographic techniques. He freezes droplets of water and then examines them under a microscope that has photographic capabilities.

Dr. Emoto has discovered many fascinating differences in the crystalline structures of water from many different sources and different conditions around the planet. Water from pristine mountain streams and springs shows the beautifully formed geometric designs in their crystalline patterns. Polluted and toxic water from industrial and populated areas and stagnated water from water pipes and storage dams show permanently distorted and randomly formed crystalline structures.

After seeing water react to different environmental conditions Dr. Emoto and his colleagues decided to see how music (sound vibrations) affected the formation of untreated, distilled, water crystals. Finally, he found that even words, thoughts and intentions affected the formation of water crystals. These photographs show the incredible reflections of water, responsive to emotions and thoughts. The implications of this research create a new awareness of an unknown dimension of water as a carrier of information. Life on earth is impossible without water, but do we really know its broader impact on our personal health and the health of our planet?

Dr. Emoto has been called to lecture around the world and has conducted live experiments both in Japan and Europe as well as in the US to show our thoughts, intentions, prayers, words, music, attitudes, and human emotions can indeed have a profound impact on the environment.

IngeborgTM Sergeant
Ingeborg Sergeant TM has her mystical experiences from a deep certainty that we all can remember that state of unity.

Every religious movement is a gate that opens to come home in that state of 'being' the mystic recognizes as "free life".

When Dr. Emoto heard the Moolamantra on her previous CD was he was very enthusiastic. He suggested that the music Ingeborg would make her new album 'Beyond religion' testing in his laboratory in Japan. The result is now BEYOND RELIGION

By listening and enjoying this music inspired by world religions, but simultaneously transcends, get in touch with the essence. You will experience the beautiful message of peace, love, enlightenment and confidence can bring. You are invited you to tune in all world religions and that aspect to find them together in the heart of every soul.

With this music we want to honor and celebrate a spirituality that connects us with each other, with the universe, the world and the environment, so we can experience that it is all Divine.
Billions of dedicated spiritual beings throughout our world know that through a consistant spiritual or religous practice balance and inner peace can be found . When faced with difficulties and seeming chaos the sacred language and principle of the world’s religions become even more relevant





Divine purpose.

It is our challenge to find a way to put aside the seeming differences that divide and separate us. Our sacred language is humanity’s language and truly transcends all borders of belief systems. It will be the basis for uniting us all. With this music we want to honor and celebrate a spirituality that connects us with each other, with the universe, the world and the environment, so we can experience that it is all a part of the Divine.