masaru emoto
Appel à vos prières pour le Dr Masaru Emoto
Appel à vos prières .. pour le Dr Masaru Emoto
Je viens d'être informée que mon ami et frère d'âme, le Dr Masaru Emoto, est hospitalisé en soins intensifs à l'hôpital de Shangaï, en Chine où il donnait un séminaire le week-end dernier .... Au moment où nous étions en train de planifier une autre tournée en Europe ... Il souffre d'une infection aux poumons et respire difficilement.
Nous sommes invités à visionner ses poumons se guérir ...
De mon côté, je suis en prière-méditation permanente et je viens de lui écrire pour lui dire que nous allons le soutenir par un soin chamanique à distance. Je reste en contact avec son équipe et sa famille au Japon.
J'invite toutes les personnes qui le souhaitent à se joindre à moi dès qu'ils le peuvent, à lui envoyer nos prières avec Amour et Gratitude, et à allumer une bougie pour lui, qui restera à brûler sur notre autel jusqu'à sa prochaine guérison.
Amour et Gratitude !
I just received some informations, that my friend and soul brother Dr Masaru Emoto, is now in ICU at Shangaï hospital, in China where he was giving a workshop last week-end. Just at the moment we... were trying to fix a new tour in Europe ... He suffers of a lunges infection and has difficulties to breath.
We are invited to imagine his lunges healing ...
On my side, I am in permanent prayer-meditation, and I just wrote to him, we will support him here by a shamanic healing at distance. I stay in contact with his team and family in Japan.
I invite all the people who want to support him to join me as soon as they can, to send him our prayers with Love and Gratitude, and to light a candle for him, which will burn on our altars till his complete healing.
Love and Gratitude !
Emoto Peace Project (Projet de paix Emoto)
What the bleep do we know ? (extrait) en français ...
Si vous êtes intéressés par les travaux du Dr Masaru Emoto, vous pouvez retrouver ses livres, dvd et autres articles dans la boutique de notre association.
Amour et gratitude !
Appel du Dr Emoto pour les zones sinistrées au Japon - mars 2011
Avec Amour et Gratitude
Je tiens à vous adresser mes sincères remerciements pour vos messages et pensées et les prières pleines d'amour pour les victimes et les personnes souffrant du désastre au Japon.
Le Dr Emoto et nous essayons de les aider, et nous voudrions vous demander de nous donner un coup de main généreux pour les soutenir. Vous trouverez ci-dessous la lettre du Dr Emoto demandant de l'aide. Nous vous remercions profondément par avance pour votre gentil don ainsi que la diffusion de ce message à vos amis.
J'ai traduit sa lettre en anglais et en espagnol (et maintenant aussi en français). Si vous pouvez la traduire dans votre langue locale et le transmettre à votre peuple, je voudrais vous demander s'il vous plaît de le faire, pour aider notre peuple bien-aimé qui souffre et qui essaye de survivre le mieux possible dans les zones désastrées. Actuellement, ils sont sans eau, et chacun demande de l'eau là-bas. Le Dr Emoto et nous tenons à leur envoyer de l'eau "Amour et Gratitude" dès que nous le pourrons. Nous tenons à vous demander, s'il vous plaît, de nous aider à envoyer de l'eau à ces personnes.
Nous sommes certains que votre soutien sincère et nos prières vont les encourager et leur donner la force pour continuer en sachant que tout le monde les soutient.
Encore une fois, je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre aide sincère et pleine d'amour.
Avec amour et gratitude,
Michiko Hayashi (Ms.)
* Assistante du Dr. Emoto
* Affaires Internationales
* Droits Internationaux
Hado Kyoiku-Sha
NS Bldg. 2F
2-6-11 Higashi Nihonbashi
Chuo-ku, Tokyo
103-0004, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3863-0216
Fax: +81-3-3866-5353
15 Mars, 2011
Pour toutes les personnes de partout dans le monde
Tout d'abord, nous tenons vivement à vous remercier pour l'envoi de vos prières et vœux chaleureux pleins d'énergie positive, pour le Japon et ses habitants. Comme vous le savez, tout le monde au Japon traverse une période tellement difficile, et nous faisons tout notre possible pour surmonter cette catastrophe. Mais la vérité est que nous sommes vraiment choqués et désolés pour les victimes, ainsi que leurs familles et amis.
Masaru Emoto et son personnel aimeraient les aider de la meilleure manière possible. Nous allons envoyer de l'eau "'Amour et Gratitude" - l'eau qui permettra d'améliorer l'immunité - à des gens qui vivent dans les zones des centrales nucléaires et où les gens souffrent, après les tremblements de terre et le tsunami ainsi que d'autres choses qui leur sont nécessaires.
Nous aimerions vous demander S'IL-VOUS-PLAÎT , de nous aider et de donner toute somme d'argent que vous pouvez par Paypal ou par virement bancaire sur le compte bancaire du EMOTO PEACE PROJECT (Projet de Paix Emoto), tel qu'indiqué ci-dessous. Nous tenons à apporter l'argent donné avec amour, que nous recueillons auprès de chacun d'entre vous, dans les zones sinistrées, et également faire un don d'eau. Nous vous remercions beaucoup pour votre extrême gentillesse.
Je vous remercie beaucoup.
Dons par Pay Pal:
Informations bancaires :
Payee: EMOTO Project
Bank: The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Branch: Asakusabashi
Account number: 0941063
Bank Code: 0005
Swift Code: BOTKJPJT
Encore et encore, merci beaucoup pour votre aide sincère. Nous sommes conscients que nous ne pourrons jamais assez vous remercier, mais nous nous souviendrons toujours de votre chaleur et vous apprécierons encore plus que jamais et pour toujours.
Avec beaucoup d'amour et gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
From Dr Masaru Emoto - Japan - about Earthquake march 2011
( traduction française en cours ...
dans les heures qui suivent)
Love and thanks
Michiko Hayashi (Ms.)
* Dr. Emoto's assistant
* International Affairs
* International Rights
Hado Kyoiku-Sha
NS Bldg. 2F
2-6-11 Higashi Nihonbashi
Chuo-ku, Tokyo
103-0004, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3863-0216
Fax: +81-3-3866-5353
Your kindest donation would be much appreciated to support
Donation payment by paypal:
15 March, 2011
For all kind people around the world
Firstly, we thank you deeply for sending your kind prayers and warm wishes with positive energy to Japan and its people. As you know, everyone in Japan is going through such a difficult time, and we are trying the best we can to overcome this catastrophe. Though the truth is that we are so shocked and so very sorry for the victims and their families and friends.
Masaru Emoto and his staff would like to help them in the best manner we can. We will send water of Love and Thanks – water that will improve immunity - to people who live in the areas of nuclear plants and where people are suffering after earthquakes and tsunami as well as other necessary things for them.
We would like to ask you PLEASE help us and donate any amount of money you can by Pay Pal or by arranging the money transfer to the bank account of the EMOTO PEACE PROJECT as stated below. We would like to bring the love-money that we collect from each of you to the disaster areas as well as using the money to donate water to people. We appreciate you very much for your utmost thoughtfulness. Thank you very much.
Donation by Pay Pal:
Bank Information:
Payee: EMOTO Project
Bank: The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Branch: Asakusabashi
Account number: 0941063
Bank Code: 0005
Swift Code: BOTKJPJT
Again and again, thank you very much for your kindest support. We are very sorry that we will never be able to thank you enough, but we will always remember your warmness and will appreciate you more than ever and forever.
With much love and gratitude,
Masaru Emoto
Prière du Dr Masaru Emoto pour le Golfe du Mexique
Dr. Masaru Emoto's research reveals that water physically responds to emotions and communications. He sends this prayer.
To speak it with sincerity is powerful and humbling:
"Now let’s give energy of love and gratitude to the waters and all the living creatures in Mexico Gulf by praying like this:
To the water, whales, dolphins, pelicans, fishes, shellfishes, planktons, corals, algae and all creatures in our Gulf of Mexico
I apologize.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
Masaru Emoto
May, 9th 2010"
Lac Biwa avec Emoto
Greetings from Dr. Emoto
A collection of water crystal photographs “Message from Water” published in June 1999 an its explanatory
book entitled “Water Knows the Answers”(its English title is “Hidden Messages in Water”) published in
November2001 have been translated into various languages and received a tremendous resonance
among people all over the world during the past 10 years. I was able to meet many philosophers,
water researchers, scientists, religious persons, artists and spiritual leaders.
Thanks to this world-wide movement, I have been walking on the globe as a missionary of water
and giving lectures more than 1,000 times following the request of the people.During this period,
My faculties as a missionary of water have been developed year by year, and I have been received
all the more trust and expectation from the people in the world. At the beginning I was perplexed
because I was not sure if such a person without any scientific background as myself could be
at a position to lead the people in the world. However, the experiences I have had during the past 10 years
were really precious ones, and not many people could have done such experiences.
It seems to me that God has given me such priceless experiences and plenty of wisdom.
As a result, I have determined, since this year of 2010, that I make an appeal to the public in the world
that will contribute to achieving the world peace without hesitation.
My first appeal is about the “Water and Peace” Global Forum.
I chose Lake Biwa, the biggest lake in Japan sometimes called the mother lake of Japanese people,
as the place of dispatching the message. I organized a ceremony named “Thank you, Biwa Lake”
in the early morning on July 25 (Day out of Time according to the Mayan calendar),
1999, when the lake was notorious for its bad odour. As a result, there happened a miraculous phenomenon
that there were no phone calls of complaint about the bad odour only that summer from the local people,
although there had been more than 300 calls of complaint every summer in the past.
Currently, our world has a lot of difficult problems, and our future is unpredictable.
However, the abovementioned experiences, which I only felt that were provided by the will of God,
convinced me that the key to solving those problems is in the elucidation and understanding of WATER.
March 22, the last day of this forum, is the World Water Day declared by the United Nations.
I am convinced that, on this World Water Day, we can create a path to the world peace on this planet
by delivering the wisdom, which I have received from God during the past 10 years,
to the whole world with those wonderful scientists, artists, religious persons and spiritual leaders
who have shared it with me.
Would you please understand the concept of the event and join us in this event,
if possible in the 3rd dimensional level, otherwise in the 4th dimensional level?
Finally, the following people have helped us in organizing this event:
Mr. Eric Pearl (The Reconnection), Mr. Gudni Gudnason (The Modern Mystery School),
Mr. Hikaru Deguchi (Mekiki-No-Kai), Mr. Katsuhito Funai (The Funai Group) and Mr. Teruo Higa (EM Group).
We are grateful to each one of you.
Let us feel the vibration of water and learn the truth of water!
Let us dedicate our Love and Gratitude to the water!
Let us send our “Message of Water and Peace” to the World!
Location: Biwako Hall
15-1 Uchidehama, Otsu-shi, Shiga 520-0806 Japan
Cost: $765US if it's paid before Feb. 20th and $900US for 3 day admission after that
$110US for dinner party (Limited seats available)
Language available: Japanese, English, Chinese
Schedule of the event:
March. 20th
Time | Type | Speaker/Performer | Contents/ Title |
10:30-11:00 | opening and resistration |
11:00-12:30 | Opening Ceremony | Masaru Emoto / Noboru Tebjo | Greetings and Prayer by Dr. Masaru Emoto BGM by Noboru Tenjo |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch Break | ||
13:30-14:00 | Music | Noboru Tenjo (Musician of Bamboo Flute and Synthesizer) |
Bamboo Flute Music, Purification of the Space |
14:00-14:30 | Dance | Lisa Itakura (Actress, Dancer) | Dance“Message from Water”: The Blue Danube |
14:30-15:00 | Lecture | Dr. Shoji Kubota (Director of Society for the Study of Water Design) |
What is Water? |
15:00-16:00 | Lecture+Live Experiment | Dr. Konstantin Korotkov (Physicist, Russia) | Does Water Listen to Music? |
16:00-16:30 | Break | ||
16:30-17:00 | Music | Aika (Sound Therapist) | Ave Maria, Awa Song, Heart Sutra etc.. |
17:00-18:00 | Special Lecture | Ryushin Ohmasa (President of Japan Techno Co., Ltd.) |
A New Fuel Born from Water to Save the Earth |
18:00-19:00 | Special Lecture | Dr. Masaharu Takao (President of “Philosophy, Science and Technology/TAKAO”) | Theory of Quantum Water and Technology to Improve/Functionalize Wate |
19:00-19:30 | Music | Ryusuke & Hanayo Seto (Musician) | Water Song, GAIA, Ho'oponopono |
March 21st
Time | Type | Speaker/Performer | Contents/ Title |
09:30-10:00 | Opening and Resistration | ||
10:00-10:45 | Lecture | Gudni Gudnason (President of Modern Mystery School) |
10:45-11:30 | Lecture | Katsuhito Funai (President of Funai Head Office) | Peace Imagined/Created by Voluntary People |
11:30-12:00 |
Music | Mayana (Holland, Singer) | Feel the Rhythm of Your Heartbeat, Unity, Like Water, etc.. |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch Break | ||
13:00-14:00 | Movie | Screening of a movie | Water or Water part 2 |
14:00-15:00 | Lecture | Dr. Konstantin Korotkov (Physicist, Russia) | Does Consciousness Change Water? |
15:00-15:30 | Break | ||
15:30-17:00 | Lecture | Lin Hsien-Tsung (President of Jing-Guan Spirit-Mind Mentalism Science Research Institution, Taiwan) | Genetic Mind Transformation |
17:00-17:30 | Break | ||
17:30-18:30 | Lecture | Hikaru Deguchi (President of Mekiki-No-Kai) | The 4th Wave - Advent of the Era of Water |
18:30-19:30 | Music | Ingeborg (Belgium, Singer) | Beyond Religion |
20:00-21:30 | Dinner | Mixer | Maxmum of 80 people |
March 22nd, International Day of Water
Time | Type | Speaker/Performer | Contents/ Title |
08:00-08:30 | Ceremony | Dr. Emoto and other speakers | Prayer for Water at lakiside of Lake Biwa |
09:30-10:00 | Opening and Resistration | ||
10:00-11:30 | Lecture+Live Experiment | Lynne McTaggart (Journalist, Author of "The Field") |
Intention Experiment |
11:30-12:30 | Lecture | Dr. Teruo Higa (Professor Emeritus of Ryukyu University, Professor of Meio University) | Purification of River and Lakes by EM Technology |
13:30-14:30 | Image+Live Music | Kenji Williams (NASA Earth Image Artist) | A Beautiful Watery Planet: Earth |
14:30-15:30 | Lecture | Hiroshi Deguchi (President of Suiohsha Co., Ltd.) | World Crisis and Onisaburo Deguch |
15:30-17:00 | Lecture+Exercise | Eric Pearl (The Reconnection) | The Essence of Healing |
17:30-18:00 | Music | Hibiki Ayano (Singer) | A Thousand Winds |
18:00-18:30 | Lecture | Dr. Masaru Emoto (OFFICE MASARU EMOTO, Water Missionary) | Water and World Peace |
18:30-17:05 | Movie | Screening of a movie (35 min) | Great Ajari Genshin Fuzinami Full Document |
19:05-19:45 | Prayer to Water in The Golden Pyramid Closing |
Genshin Fujinami Ajari (Tendai Buddhism, Mt. Hiei) Dr. Masaru Emoto (OFFICE MASARU EMOTO, Water Missionary) Gudni Gudnason (Modern Mystery School) Dr. Konstantin Korotkov (Physicist, Russia) Others |
Prayer by AJARI Story of the year 1999 Tuning fork of 528 Hz The Great Invocation Water Ceremony Song of Biwa Lake Golden Pyramid Water from the World Energy Measurement by GDV |
Optional: Hado Instructor Course
Location: Crystal Room (6F) of Hotel Piazza Biwako (Very close from Biwako Hall)
Fee: $1000US for general people / $500US for returning Hado Instructors
The fee includes accommodation for one night at Hotel Piazza Biwako and dinner party
Language available: Japanese and English
Privilege: Participants will get Hado Instructor Certificate, CD rom which contains Dr.Emoto's presentation filles and the right to use the files for own seminars or workshops. The membership pin will be given too.
Day 1: March 24th
10:00-10:30 | Opening and Registration | ||
10:30-12:30 | Lecture | Dr. Masaru Emoto (OFFICE MASARU EMOTO, Water Missionary) |
Vibrational Medicine Based on the Concept of HADO |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch Break | ||
14:00-15:30 | Lecture | Annie Ezekiel | Importance of Words that I learned from God |
15:30-14:00 | Tea Break | ||
16:00-18:00 | Lecture | Dr. Masaru Emoto (OFFICE MASARU EMOTO, Water Missionary) |
“Water Crystal Technology to Visualize HADO” |
18:00-19:00 |
Break |
19:00-21:00 | Mixer |
Day 2: March 25th
10:00-12:00 | Presentation of Certificates | Dr. Masaru Emoto (OFFICE MASARU EMOTO, Water Missionary) |
Presentation of Certificates Encouraging Message from Dr. Emoto |
HAÎTI ... message de Masaru Emoto
Urgent Message from Dr. Masaru Emoto regarding Haiti Quake |
"What I Think Regarding Haiti Quake" |