Différentes vidéos relatives à l'eau ...
These are just a few of many individuals, groups and organizations who are making a difference in changing the way we address water issues
Discussing the 'Great Mystery' of Water
Raymon Grace -- Welcome to the World of Dowsing; Cleaning up Water-Air-Earth
www.raymongraceprojects.com check out Raymon Grace: Energizing Water I & II DVDs
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles -- International Teacher/Workshop Facilitator
Dr. Emoto -- Water Experiments; World-renowned Scientist
White Eagle Medicine Woman -- The Grandmother Drum (Largest Drum of Its Kind in the World) - International Peace Project; has worked with Dr. Horowitz H2O Live Concerts
Sisterhood of Planetary Water Rites -- Focalizing the feminine energies to teach, to support and to be a unifying force for ceremonies to bless, purify and restore our planet's waters and natural water systems.
Lynne McTaggart -- Quantum Physics Author/Clean Water Experiment
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz -- Live H2O Concerts & Lectures
World Water Day - March 22, 2010 -- United Nations-Water; UN Water has chosen communicating water quality challenges and opportunities as theme for World Water Day-2010
USGS -- Water Resources of the United States -- Provides access to water data, publications and maps as well as to recent water projects and events.
Mother Earth News -- An inspiring story of "hands-on" river cleaning
One River Mississippi